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Inca Jay - Carlos Perez
San Isidro
1 night

San Isidro is renowned for its world-class birding, top-notch cuisine and comfortable accomodations, so enjoy this one evening/two-day stint into the eastern Andean subtropical forests, only two hours from Quito. Nights can be chilly, days often warm, and the paramos cold.

Time to escape from Quito for what will be a busy couple of days of birding! Our drive to San Isidro will initially lead us through the drier central valley where we will pass through a mix of agricultural zones and native chaparral forests before rising up steeply to the high and (often) windswept paramo. Among the many bird possibilities, we will be particularly on the lookout for Andean Condor (sometimes hard), Carunculated Caracara, Andean Gull, Black-tailed Trainbearer, Scrub & Blue-and-yellow Tanagers and Southern Yellow-Grosbeak. If there were a day to have your camera ready, this would be it – on clear days the scenery is spectacular, with superb views of the snow-capped Antisana Volcano, and seemingly endless high-Andean, mountain-vistas, harboring a backdrop of textures that make for an unforgettable birding setting. This area, known as the Papallacta Pass by birders, is rich in paramo birdlife, and with the proper weather, you can expect to see some of the following: Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe, Ecuadorian Hillstar, Tawny Antpitta, Many-striped Canastero, White-chinned Thistletail, Red-rumped Bush-Tyrant, Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant, Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant, some interesting seedeaters, and even Giant Conebill (with a bit of luck, up in the Polylepis woodlands). The Papallacta Pass is right on the continental divide, and once we finish up with our paramo birding, we will work our way down the east-slope – Amazonian drainage now – towards San Isidro. On the way we will pass through some beautiful high-elevation temperate forests where we will have a chance to stop and soak in this birdy zone; some of the possibilities include Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle, Viridian Metaltail, Red-crested Cotinga, Black-backed Bush-Tanager, just to name a very few. We aim to arrive to Guango Lodge for a hot, sit-down lunch, where the hummingbird feeders will be dripping with species such as Tourmaline Sunangel, Sword-billed Hummingbird and White-bellied Woodstar.

We plan to arrive to San Isidro in the mid-afternoon, where we can hike a short trail or bird the forested roadsides near the lodge… quetzals or maybe a fruiteater anybody? The true beauty of the day is that we can play it by ear and go where the birds take us. We’ll plan to finish up the day at San Isidro’s dining room porch for a look at the San Isidro ‘mystery’ Owl. Night at San Isidro Lodge. 

The next day we plan to start the morning off with some birding right around the lodge, where we often find it hard to pull ourselves away… the birds just sometimes keep coming. Some of the regulars include Montane and Olive-backed Woodcreepers, Golden-crowned Flycatcher, Rufous-crowned Tody-Flycatcher, Black-billed Peppershrike, Inca Jay, Bluish Flowerpiercer and Subtropical Cacique! After about an hour of this, we will want to visit the Antpitta feeders, where you will likely see White-bellied Antpitta only feet away. The rest of the morning will be spent birding along trails and forested roadsides at San Isidro Lodge, where Streak-headed Antbirds, Plain-tailed Wrens, White-capped Tanagers and Chestnut-breasted Chlorophonias await. After lunch we will work our way back to Quito. Regular birding attire is recommended, with peelable layers for colder weather, which we will likely experience at higher elevations.

Emoeke y Nick Ullmann 55.jpg

San Isidro 

Mistery Owl

Pricing - Option 1

With private bilingual bird guide and transportation all days

Based on 1 pax

Based on 2 pax

Based on 3 pax

Based on 4 pax

Single supplement






Pricing - Option 2

No guide. Transportation all days

Based on 1 pax

Based on 2 pax

Based on 3 pax

Based on 4 pax

Single supplement






Pricing - Option 3

No guide. Transportation on travel days between lodges.

Based on 1 pax

Based on 2 pax

Based on 3 pax

Based on 4 pax

Single supplement






*2023 prices per person. Single supplement is already added for 1 pax

**All prices are subject to change

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